Retour Granite - India

Black Galaxy

Black Galaxy is extracted from a quarry in the city of Mizapur, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. 

The size and color of each block is very uniform. It is possible to have a slight gold veining, or the accumulation of a few gold flecks. Because of its density and due to the fact that there are very few hairline cracks, no resin needs to be applied to Black Galaxy’s surface.

India started exporting high-quality black granites towards the end of the 1960’s. The higher quality granites are very dense and have a constant coloration, including the black granites from southern India. There are over 80 quarries that produce black granites, spread out across 400 acres of land. Each quarry is about 2 and 20 acres each.

  • Counters
  • Fireplace Contours
  • Flooring
  • Full-Size Backsplash
  • Interior Furniture
  • Podium Bath Contours
  • Shower Base
  • Sinks
  • Walls
  • Outdoor Kitchens
  • Ventilated Façades
  • Outdoor Furniture