Retour Granite - India

Black Pearl

Black pearl is extracted from a quarry in the Andhra Pradesh region, India. This granite has a relatively constant texture between blocks, but certain slabs may have larger and more apparent crystals in its composition.

We can find a predominance of blacks with spots of black, gold, silver, brown, green and grey. Black Pearl is carved in large blocks producing sizeable slabs with little to no variation, which makes it ideal for widespan projects as well as kitchen countertops.

India started exporting high-quality black granites towards the end of the 1960’s. The higher quality granites are very dense and have a constant coloration. There are over 80 quarries that produce black granites, spread out across 400 acres of land. Each quarry is between 2 and 20 acres each.

  • Counters
  • Fireplace Contours
  • Flooring
  • Full-Size Backsplash
  • Interior Furniture
  • Podium Bath Contours
  • Shower Base
  • Sinks
  • Walls
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