Retour Granite - India

Moon White

Moon White is extracted in an Indian quarry. It has a regular texture with very little change from one lot to the other. Moon White is ideal for sizeable made-to-measure projects since the slabs produced are always considerable in size. 

Moon White features sparkly ivory veining and thin lines of greys, silvers and blacks. This stone is elegant on countertops and is a beautiful choice for a wide variety of residential and commercial applications.

India has several granite quarries, divided into two large territories, north and south. The main granite reserves are found in the states of Rajasthan, Andra Pradesh, Kamataka, Tamil Nadu and the new state of Telangana.

  • Counters
  • Fireplace Contours
  • Flooring
  • Full-size Backsplash
  • Interior Furniture
  • Podium Bath Contours
  • Shower Base
  • Sinks
  • Walls
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