Retour Granite - Brazil

New Azul Aran

New Azul Aran is extracted in a quarry in northern Brazil. Normally, this granite features hues of grey and pale blue, but certain lots can also include a bit of gold or beige coloring, giving this stone a chaotic, storm-like feel, that will add a dramatic effect to the decor.

New Azul Aran’s movement seems to mimic the Brazilian Amazon River.

In the course of the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the stone’s surface to fill part of its porosity (or pores) and natural cracks that may be apparent. This has no incident on the durability, the maintenance or the beauty of the natural stone. It is possible that certain pores are too small to contain efficiently the resin and reopen during the finishing stages. However, this does not affect the stone’s quality or beauty. Such as it is the case with many natural stones, it is recommended to apply a sealer to extend its beauty through time.

  • Counters
  • Fireplace Contours
  • Flooring
  • Full-size Backsplash
  • Interior Furniture
  • Podium Bath Contours
  • Shower Bases
  • Sinks
  • Walls
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