April 11 2018 - Inspiration Kitchen

THE KITCHEN – At the Heart of your Home

Photo credits: Atelier Jacob

THE KITCHEN - At the Heart of your Home

The kitchen is without contest the heart of our home. We all have one, and we all use it pretty much every day, but the kitchen is no longer that cramped space where our elders spent their day cooking for their young ones while they all went to talk in the living room or gathered around the single TV.

Nop, our kitchens have changed. It is now a gathering space, a place where memories are created, where it is fun to discuss, study, or simply relax with a cup of coffee on a beautiful sunny morning.

The kitchen layout is therefore incredibly important. Beyond having sufficient cupboard space, there are so many other elements to consider, which is one of the main reasons we choose to work hand-in-hand with professional Kitchen & Bath designers, designers  and architects; creative and solution-driven, they can guide you to obtain exactly what you need.


Hidden Office-Space: you have young children in school, or you like to have all of your recipes alphabetically categorized and sub-categorized? Think of adding a filing cabinet in your design, near a multifunctional surface! Below are photos of a project created by our partner IsaCrea Cucina, designer : Melyssa Robert.

A special place for your favourite pet :  your pet is more than an animal, he is a full-fledge member of your family. Why not include him in your main living space? Not only is it functional, but it is pretty!

Smart Lighting : light is life. Any space becomes warm and more inviting with the appropriate lighting. Think of including light in and under the cabinets, in the drawers, below the counter, be creative! Plus, with that subtle glow, it makes those middle-of-the-night snacks a lot safer!


Niches : are not only aesthetic, they can be extremely useful in keeping certain items readily available.

Photo credits: ATELIERS JACOB

Drawer positionning : Traditionally, these were placed in the cabinets along the walls, but more and more, the kitchen island is taking over as « mess-organizing-central », making it easier to access everything you need from all sides!


We hope that these ideas will spark your creative genius in future projects! You are ready to take action?