Back Granite – India

Absolute Black

Absolute Black is a dark and mysterious black with a crystalline reflection, a tribute to its country of origin.

Previously, the Absolute Black was imported from Zimbabwe up until the civil war broke all international relations. Thankfully, the industry could count on a new source; India. Compared to the Absolute Black from Zimbabwe, the stone from India contains very little impurities.

India started exporting high-quality black granites towards the end of the 1960’s. There are over 80 quarries that produce black granites, spread out across 400 acres of land. Each quarry is between 2 to 20 acres each.


  • Counters
  • Fireplace Contours
  • Flooring
  • Full-size backsplash
  • Interior furniture
  • Podum Bath Contours
  • Shower Bases
  • Sinks
  • Walls
  • Outdoor Kitchens
  • Ventilated Façades
  • Outdoor Furniture
Technical file (PDF)